Thursday, August 26, 2010


  2nd Day, Aug 25th, 2010

IMG_1473Entering Kentucky from West Virginia ……nothing dramatic at all.IMG_1478 Kentucky Horse Park Campground taken from our campsite showing hardwood trees and part of the pavillion.    Very nice park and weather is perfect – about 80 degrees today and expect 55 tonight.IMG_1480An overly rich man and his wife traveled to England, where the wife said she would like to own a castle.   Upon their return to KY, the man had this house built.     Duh!!!!!IMG_1482 Tom entering the Four Roses Brewery.    Beau waited in the truck.   We had a very nice tour beginning with a short film showing the process, then a live tour of the distillery, followed by a tasting of 3 of the Four Roses brands (ranging in price from $24-$36 for a fifth.    IMG_1485A curved piece of granite atop bourbon aging barrels.  IMG_1487Outside the actual distillery.   Lots of petunias in barrels and lots and lots of roses about the grounds.   

 IMG_1491 Inside the brewery.

IMG_1497 The Capitol of Kentucky located in Frankfort about 20 miles from where we are staying.   This is a slightly to the side view of the front.

IMG_1499This is a straight on shot of the front of the capitol.

1 comment:

  1. Good pictures! I wanted to see a photo of all those retired horses....oh and one of you all when you walked out of the Bourbon distillery. lol.
    Looks like things are going well....keep posting!
