Sunday, August 29, 2010


Caught the trolley to the Boat House & Nature Center which houses a full scale keelboat like Lewis & Clark used on the Missouri River.    The photos in the collage depict parts of the exhibit in the museum and a couple of historic locations on Main St, St. Charles.     The street and sidewalks are brick in the 10 block section of Main Street designated on the National Register of Historic Places.    Quite an interesting town with lots of history......this being the starting point basically of the Lewis & Clark Expedition.    Daniel Boone was also one of the historical characters in the history of the town after losing his property in Kentucky when KY became a state.    Eventualy he lost his property in St. Charles in the same manner.    Don't forget to click on the photos to enlarge if you are interested in seeing them more clearly.  What a nice breeze this evening.........much better than last night.  

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