Thursday, September 30, 2010

Arizona to New Mexico

     Today was a travel day to get closer to Albuquerque for tomorrow's entry into the balloon fiesta park.  It took almost all day to make the trip from Williams, Arizona to Grants, New Mexico and about an hour and a half to get to Albuquerque tomorrow.   The sky was gorgeous today and a few photos below show the landscape along the way.   The only major stop was in a small town called Winslow where we spent a little time in an old restored hotel.
Following our new friends from Venice CA into the town of Winslow, AZ
Tom & Ken going into the La Posada Hotel in Winslow, AZ
The back of La Posada Hotel, Winslow, AZ
Enjoying the beautiful AZ sky
Along I-40 in AZ
Cave with teepees above along I-40 in NM
Beautiful sky and landscape in NM

Dry camping without benefit of electricity & water at the balloon fiesta
so may be a few days before you get photos of the colorful hot air
 balloons that we expect to see.

Hugs and love to all!!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Grand Canyon

Two Posts Tonight .....I forgot to add these photos to the first post.
    Tom & Beau went to see the train off from Williams to Grand Canyon this morning.   Closer to Christmas, the train will be turned into the Polar Express (for children and adults).   It's about an hours ride from Williams to Grand Canyon.

From Pahrump NV to Williams AZ

     The nice part of this whole adventure is the flexibility we've had.   We go to bed with a plan and we wake up and change it, if we want to.    And that's what we did with Las Vegas.   It was way too hot and we could save 2 days by not staying in Las Vegas (but let's drive through anyway).   So that's what we did.
     Hoover Dam was quite interesting and totally amazing.   Arrived in Williams AZ just before sunset yesterday (much cooler here).   Went to the Grand Canyon today (temp 89). 
    There are several Airstreamers here and they are all heading to Alburquerque to the balloon fiesta.......suggesting that we join them for the weekend there.   Thinking about it.
Leaving Nevada Treasure RV Resort
Las Vegas Skyline

High temperature was actually 111 degrees yesterday at Hoover Dam
Only 89 degrees at Grand Canyon today

Tom stamping his National Park Passport in the
Grand Canyon Visitor Center
Double click to enlarge photos

I did NOT get as close to the edge as some others
This was full of Indian crafted jewelry
Don't know what this is but it was a beautiful bush
at the entrance to Grand Canyon.

Goodnight All!    Hugs to my Grandkids!    Love to all!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


      Oh how I miss the ocean!    We realize that we are missing a lot by not spending time in California.   Would love to have followed the California coast and toured the wine country but we also know that we need to turn in the direction of home.   So we crossed into Nevada heading to Las Vegas and ultimately the Grand Canyon.    We stayed at Whiskey Flats RV Park last night in Hawthorne, NV.   Obviously there is some sort of military storage facility there....rows and rows of buildings and bunkers and shooting ranges.
      Nevada is a depressing trees, brown mountains, brown fields, long, straight highways with very few homes or businesses along the way.   Speed limit is 70 but there were highway patrols all over the place and stopping cars right and left.  (They didn't bother my driver though at 55mph)   Nevada is not my cup of tea .....but maybe Las Vegas will change my mind. heehee! Seriously I just want to see the lights ........
       We stopped at a hot, dry rest stop (Millers) and fixed a sandwich in the trailer for lunch and continued on our way.   Temperature was 101 degrees here today and 98 right now at 5:30.    I had made a reservation at Nevada Treasure RV Park & Spa and what a pleasant sight to see when we arrived.   (Photos attached).....  Green palm trees and shrubbery with a nice little private area at the back of the site.    There is a restaurant here in the park and we plan to walk over there for dinner later.   We will stay here one night and move on to the Oasis RV Park in Las Vegas tomorrow.   Can you imagine taking the Airstream right onto the strip?????   That's what my driver wants to do.  :-)
        Failed to send photos of the chipmunks at the RV park near Crater Lake earlier.   Thought all you kids would like to see them.

More beautiful as a silhouette against the early evening sky than this shot
Military facility across the highway from campground
(double click to enlarge)
More military stuff (saw NO people)
As we were leaving the rest stop
Approaching the town of Pahrump, NV
where we are staying tonight
Nevada Treasure RV Park
Inside this building are swimming pools, bar & grill, spa, etc.
Empty site across from ours
Our little private area behind the Airstream.
Off to dinner.    Have a great evening, Everybody!
Hugs & kisses to the grands!!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

     It was so cold when we got up this morning that we decided to do laundry before heading to Crater Lake.   So late morning we passed through Pumice Desert and entered the north entrance road and Rim Drive which will close mid-October.  When they begin to remove the snow at the end of winter, it will be around 30 feet deep.  A quarter of a mile a day is good progress during snow removal .....takes 4 months.
     Crater Lake is five miles wide and ringed by cliffs almost 2000 feet high and the water is an intense blue.  The lake rests in the shattered remnants of a volcano called Mount Mazama, which erupted and collapsed into itself thousands of years ago.   At 1943 feet deep, Crater is the deepest lake in the US and one of the deepest in the world.  It's source of water is rain and melted snow.   No streams flow in or out. It is 33 miles around the rim.    It is truly a beautiful sight to see.  The shades of blue are exquisite and totally pristine.

Wizard Island in Crater Lake, Oregon

The Phantom Ship in Crater Lake
(a rock formation)

Trees, blue lake, cliffs, mountain and sky.   Love it!

Crater Lake Lodge

Tom coming down from a photo shoot of the lake.
