Monday, September 6, 2010

Trip to Deadwood SD

A typical prairie scene.
Beginning to leave the flat prairie area
Approaching the Black Hills
Love the sky with Black Hills in background

Getting close to Deadwood SD
Closer still to Deadwood SD
Going into the town of Deadwood
Our campground for tonight

The day started early with a thunderstorm and lots of wind ~ gusting up to 50mph.  We had to work on the awning on the trailer twice along the way after the wind did its number on it.    Ultimately duct tape came to the rescue and we were able to keep it in place.    The drive was not easy with all the wind.    Temperature was 48 most of the day and when we arrived at the campground it rained yet again and even hailed for about five minutes.   Temperature tonight is supposed to be 32 degrees.    I asked for it, didn't I?    
We rode the trolley downtown for dinner at Kevin Costner's Midnight Star (we actually ate in the sports bar section called Diamond Lil's).     Walls were covered with photos and actual costumes from Costner's movies.   My favorite costume was Wyatt Earp.....Dances With Wolves was his best movie, I think.....even though we did like Field of Dreams, too.   We forgot to take the camera so maybe we will go back again tomorrow night.   :-)    The streets were lined with casinos, t-shirt & ice cream shops.  Lots of old folks like us .... playing the slots.    We didn't though.  
Rode the trolley back to the trailer and now the boys (Tom & Beau) are snoring away.    
Tomorrow we plan to visit Mt. Rushmore & Crazy Horse.
Goodnight All !!!!

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