Wednesday, September 8, 2010

From SD thru a corner of Wyoming to Montana

The last leg of South Dakota was the prettiest drive we've had .....through more of the Black Hills National Forest.   Crossed the upper right hand corner of Wyoming into Montana and we're in Hardin Montana tonight.   Got here in time for Tom to check the brakes on the truck and I did 2 loads of laundry.   We are still hooked up so we can pull out early in the morning for another full day of driving.    The highlight for today (besides the scenery) was the Little Big Horn Battlefield Memorial.   A ranger for the National Parks (a former history instructor) made an awesome presentation about the was almost like you were watching it sad as it was.   

Black Hills National Forest

A good little traveler

Still in the Black Hills National Forest

Can you see the house?
Wyoming - a total change of scenery
We did see 3 herds of antelopes & some horses & cows
General Custer was killed in this battle
The soldiers
Many men & horses were killed in this battle
Half of the military cemetery
The other half ...

A clash of cultures .....the Indians who wanted to keep life as they had known it....
.and the Euro-Americans who wanted to take over the land and control the Indians.   
Crazy Horse & others weren't having it which brought much blood shed.
General Custer, who had fought at Gettysburg during the Civil War,
was killed in the Little Big Horn battle in his early thirties.

Goodnight All!     We love you!!!    

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