Sunday, September 19, 2010

Grayland Beach State Park, WA

     From Mt. Rainier we drove to the coast of Washington and stopped in at Grayland Beach State Park which turned out to be probably the nicest state park we've ever stayed in.   As soon as we set up, even though it was drizzling rain, we put on our sandals and raincoats and headed across the dune to put our toes in the Pacific Ocean.   The beach is really wide with darker sand than the east coast beaches.  Water was cool and we saw seals swimming in the ocean.    Someone had ridden a horse across the beach as well.
     We had tentatively planned to go to the rain forest in Olympic National Park today, but decided that a day of rest was probably more beneficial.  So we fixed a big breakfast:  coffee, eggs, bacon, cinnamon bread with huckleberry jam and a bloody Mary.   It has rained off and on but we did get out to see the tallest lighthouse in Washington State which is here on Grayland Harbor.   We walked along the beach there.   Then went back to camp and Tom & Beau went out on the beach where we were yesterday to play while I worked on the blog.   We are ready to head down the coast of Washington into Oregon tomorrow morning.
Entrance to Grayland Beach State Park, Grayland WA

There are 10 Yurts in this campground.   A ranger opened the door to allow us to see inside.
There are two bunk beds and sleep sofa.
Oregon prisoners make them and the state of Washington buys them from the correctional system.

Near the campground before heading over the dune to the beach
Approaching the beach over the dune

The wide beach between the campground and the Pacific Ocean.
Gray Harbor Lighthouse, tallest in the state of Washington
Approaching the beach past the lighthouse.   Beautiful area!

Beau on the beach with the wind in his hair.
(See how dark the sand is)
Beau really enjoyed his playtime on the beach and crashed in his crate afterwards.
Goodnight and hugs to all!

1 comment:

  1. thats for sharing - once again the photo's are great.
    We LOVE YOU !
