Friday, September 10, 2010

Yellowstone National Park

Today was awesome !!   We saw at least 100 bison, a dozen or so elk (males with racks, females with young calves), several trumpter swans, 3 mule deer, Canada geese, lots of ducks and one osprey.    We saw Old Faithful Geyser erupt but the other geysers were just as interesting, we thought.   We saw snow on the ground (but didn't see it falling).   Yellowstone Lake was so beautiful with snow capped mountains in the background.     We only did about half of the park today and plan to go again tomorrow.   Enjoy the photos.

Bison right on the side of the road.

Some even crossed the road while we waited.

This one was reserving his energy
More Elk
Trumpeter Swan

Mule Deer
Old Faithful Getting Ready
Old Faithful Erupting

Thermal Basin

Another in the thermal basin

Continental Divide
Yellowstone Lake with snow capped mountains in background
Yellowstone Lake & mountains were spectacular.
Photos do not do it justice.

At the end of the day

Goodnight..... Love to all!