Saturday, September 4, 2010

12th Day ~ Saturday, September 4, 2010

Today we decided to ride through the Indian reservations along the Native American Scenic Byway which was quite interesting. The terrain and landscape were beautiful rolling prairie. It was easy to imagine Indians and buffalo roaming the hills. We only saw one casino ….very few houses ……no teepees (hee hee) ……. a few cows and few more horses …..lots of open space. Some magnificient views of the Missouri River from atop hills.

One of the highlights of the day for Tom was finding two wind turbines that we were able to drive right up close enough to to hear them hum. The base of the post is probably ten to twelve feet in circumference with a small door at the bottom. We are guessing that inside there is some sort of stairway or ladder to the top. The three wind paddles are huge (I’m guessing probably 20 – 30 feet per paddle. Quite impressive even though I fail to understand the total concept of how they produce power. But if they do, I’m all for it.

We took 2 steaks out of the freezer before we left this morning. Tom cooked them on the grill while I made mashed potatoes and green peas. We topped it off with a piece of cheesecake for dessert. The temperature has been about 70 today with low humidity. Every day in South Dakota is windy, I believe. Beau loves being outside and feeling the wind in his floppy ears. He has even gotten used to seeing other dogs on other campsites without thinking he has to bark or go visit.


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