Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Glacier National Park

       Montana's Glacier National Park and Alberta's Waterton Lakes National Park meet at the border between the U.S. and Canada.  In 1932 the parks were designated the first International Peace Park to commemorate the bonds of peace and friendship between the two countries. 
       Today we spent most of the day in this awesome place.   Yellowstone is great but nothing compared to the awesome sights in Glacier.   It was well worth traveling a whole day to get here.  We covered most of the Going-To-The-Sun Road  which is only a smidgen of the park.    I would love to cross into Alberta and cover part of Waterton Lake Park and more of Glacier ....but we are going to hit the road toward Washington state tomorrow morning.      Just a few of 150 photos we took today.

McDonald Lake Near Entrance To Glacier National Park

Fresh flowerboxes near Lake McDonald Lodge
Petunias & geraniums are blooming like mid-summer everywhere

Open topped tour buses in front of Lake McDonald Lodge

Waterfall near Lake McDonald Lodge
Just upstream from the waterfall
Tom admiring the waterfall
He never waits 'til I stop talking ....
Photos just don't express how awesome it is.

A Switchback Road ~ We Were Just There !

The valley thousands of feet below the mountains.

Wildflowers I took while we were stopped for construction.

A closeup of the tour bus at Glacier

When we left the visitor center this morning there was a couple thumbing a ride and my driver (TA)
stopped and offered them a ride in the back of the pickup.   They had been backpacking
on a trail for about 3 days and nights and needed a ride to their car.  
We told them we would be stopping for photos etc but they were delighted to have a ride anyway. 
They were grain farmers from Wisconsin and last year they hiked in the Shenandoah.

After we delivered them to their car, we had a picnic in the truck.
We had sandwiches while Beau had dog food & water.

Hi Everybody!    I'm learning a lot and having a blast.
But I was one tired dog when we got back to camp tonight.
Mom & Dad were too.     Goodnight All !!!


  1. Don't forget to double click on any photo you would like to have a closer view of.....

  2. The photo's are great as always - as I was reading that you picked up hikers, you know what my thoughts were ......What are YOU thinking !
    Then to see the photo of the hikers in the back of the truck - well I knew that Beau would have stepped up and protected you with no problem. Looks like a nice couple! I know you are meeting a lot of nice people through the way.
    Safe travels today.
    Love YOU !
