Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pacific Coast Scenic Highway (101) Oregon

     We talked about hitting I-5 and just making some time today but then decided we couldn't pass up the Oregon coast.   I am so delighted that we did because we stopped to take a photo of Heceta Head Lighthouse and there in the cove were bunches of sea lions (seals) swimming, playing, barking, and sunning themselves on rocks.   What a sight to see!    (Be sure to enlarge the photos by double clicking so you can see them better). 
      We stopped at Fed Myers (similar to Walmart) and re-stocked our food supply.   It's owned by Kroger and is much nicer than Walmart.   Bought organic cherry tomatoes and made the best salad for dinner with spinach, cherry tomatoes, cukes, mozzarella cheese, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
      We turned inland at Reedsport OR heading toward Crater Lake.   Along this highway we saw a field of elk .....males with racks, females and calves;   pastures of cows sometimes with llamas in with the cows;  fields of grape vines and wineries;  and, the Umpque River flowed alongside the highway almost all the way.   It is a beautiful stream with lots of rapids and lots of people fishing.   It was a beautiful but crooked drive.   We made it to Diamond Lake RV Park in time for dinner.
       Tomorrow we will go on to Crater Lake which is only a short distance away.
Beautiful coastline of Oregon

Heceta Head Lighthouse

At least 5 seals in the foreground
(double click on the photo)

Enlarge the photo and you will be able to see a cluster of seals on the rock in the center

See how many you can find !
There are a couple on the rocks to the left.
15 or so in the water.

A far away view of the lighthouse but showing part of the cove where the seals were playing.
I've probably bored you with these tiny photos but it was an awesome sight to me.
Hugs to everybody!    Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning ! Oh so look forward to your post. We have never been to Oregan - what beautiful photo's of the coast. You two are drawn to the coast. Enjoy !
    We love you !!!!!!
