Tuesday, September 21, 2010

From Cape Disappointment to South Beach State Park, Newport OR

      We entered Oregon fairly soon after we began our trip today and followed the Pacific Scenic Byway (Hwy 101) down the coast.    It was a nice drive and gave us an opportunity to see the ocean and coastline in various places and to see some unique small towns.  
      We toured theTillamook Cheese Factory (one of the top 10 visitor attractions in the state).   It was quite interesting to see the workers all dressed in white on the assembly line cutting, weighing and packaging the cheese.  Then we were directed through a line where we were able to taste several kinds.   This line dumped us right into the purchasing area for cheeses, yogurts, and other items.    We made our purchases and then sampled their ice cream which was superb.  We chose caramel pecan, French vanilla and huckleberry.
     We arrived at South Beach State Park about 5 o'clock, and after supper we walked about a mile to the beach and let Beau run without a leash.   He loved it.   There were clouds trying to hide the sun but the sunset was beautiful anyway.   We really enjoyed out long walk in the cool air.   We think we heard seals barking but we did not see any where we were.  

Columbia River
Crossing the Columbia River Bridge toward Astoria

Astoria Harbor
The Columbia River bridge we just crossed

Haystack Rock

On our mile long walk to the beach from South Beach Campground

Wide beach and the sand is much lighter than it was at Benson Beach in Washington

A silhouette of Tom again the sunset

Finally the sun sank below the clouds.    Gorgeous!!

On the road again tomorrow....Goodnight!!

1 comment:

  1. Fine cheese like fine wine. Beautiful photo's - oh so liked the inn by the water.
