Thursday, September 2, 2010

Iowa & South Dakota

This is a cottonwood tree that is supposedly about 230 yrs. old and was along the Missouri River when Lewis & Clark passed through on their expedition.   The river has changed course and there is a lake (Blue Lake) where the Missouri was during that time.   We spent last night camping alongside Blue Lake.

      Traveled today to get into the area of South Dakota that we are so anxious to explore.   The landscape into SD was so much more interesting than Iowa, etc......rolling hills.....fewer cornfields  :-).   The sky was gorgeous all day ..... dark clouds this morning with prettty white fluffy ones along the horizon.   We reached our destination where we will be for Labor Day weekend ~ Oacoma/Chamberlain, South Dakota.  We will take day trips out to surrounding area.   There are several Indian reservations around so we will see how it all evolves.                                                                

                                                                                This monument is in memory of Sgt Floyd who was the only person who died on the Lewis & Clark expedition.   He was ill for days and Clark's slave, York, took good care of him but he died.    Later historians determined from journal entries that he probably died of ruptured appendix.
             This is the view across the field from our campsite tonight and the next 3 nights.   It's right along an interstate highway but very rural and the little town (which we will explore tomorrow) is nestled next to the Missouri River.
             Tom & Beau are snoring so I will say "Goodnight".         

1 comment:

  1. Love the ones of the trees!
    Sounds like all is going well.
    Did Diddy fix the leak?
