Sunday, September 19, 2010

Travel Day From Glacier to Washington State

It took a long time to get out of the state of Montana, then we crossed the upper portion of Idaho, passed through Spokane, Washington and stopped in Coulee City (near the Grand Coulee Dam) for the night.   At one point, I thought we were back in South Dakota.......the landscape was wide open and growing grain (wheat) in Washington instead of corn in SD.  It was a beautiful drive.    We stopped for gas and met a man from Swansboro NC in a motorhome.   And when we were setting up camp tonight a young fellow from England who rode in on a bicycle, asked if he could camp behind our trailer as part of our party at the cost of $3 instead of paying full price because he was running short of money.    So Tom said "yes".    He hung a hammock between 2 trees up the hill from our site and had hamburgers on the grill with us.   He was definitely hungry and thanked us so much for dinner.  (Heidi, I know you are not approving of our "talking to strangers". )   But he's a bicyclist your dad decided he's OK.    Just a few photos tonight.
Leaving Mountain Meadows Campground near Glacier NP this morning

Skyline of Spokane Washington

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