Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mt. Rushmore & Crazy Horse Mt.

Pactola Reservoir
Mt. Rushmore souvenier area

Tom really wanted this $200 red fox hat ... but we opted for fuel for the truck instead.  :-)
Approaching Mt. Rushmore on the highway
And through the trees from the moving truck on the highway
Entrance at the actual memorial
Columns named the states and dates they joined the union
Taken from the Observation Area
Seriously observing!

Leaving the memorial area

On the highway again seeing a profile of George from the back side

Model for carving of Crazy Horse (in background)
A bus ride to the base with bulldozers working
Papa at the base
The family refuses to accept government funding which is why it's taking so long.
It's paid for from admissions fees & donations with the family still in control.  The sculptor died in the 1980s and his wife is the current overseer of the project and his daughter is the resident sculptor.  One son, Adam,  built his home near the site and he drove by in his pickup truck while we were at the base.
 They anticipate another 40 years before completion.    Quite an impressive tour of this
as well as Mt. Rushmore.


  1. Great pictures ! Thanks for keep us posted.
    Ahhhhhh, I not sure why you didn't get the hat - was it because of the price?

    Love you,

  2. I like the hat Papa!
    Love you guys!

