Sunday, September 26, 2010


      Oh how I miss the ocean!    We realize that we are missing a lot by not spending time in California.   Would love to have followed the California coast and toured the wine country but we also know that we need to turn in the direction of home.   So we crossed into Nevada heading to Las Vegas and ultimately the Grand Canyon.    We stayed at Whiskey Flats RV Park last night in Hawthorne, NV.   Obviously there is some sort of military storage facility there....rows and rows of buildings and bunkers and shooting ranges.
      Nevada is a depressing trees, brown mountains, brown fields, long, straight highways with very few homes or businesses along the way.   Speed limit is 70 but there were highway patrols all over the place and stopping cars right and left.  (They didn't bother my driver though at 55mph)   Nevada is not my cup of tea .....but maybe Las Vegas will change my mind. heehee! Seriously I just want to see the lights ........
       We stopped at a hot, dry rest stop (Millers) and fixed a sandwich in the trailer for lunch and continued on our way.   Temperature was 101 degrees here today and 98 right now at 5:30.    I had made a reservation at Nevada Treasure RV Park & Spa and what a pleasant sight to see when we arrived.   (Photos attached).....  Green palm trees and shrubbery with a nice little private area at the back of the site.    There is a restaurant here in the park and we plan to walk over there for dinner later.   We will stay here one night and move on to the Oasis RV Park in Las Vegas tomorrow.   Can you imagine taking the Airstream right onto the strip?????   That's what my driver wants to do.  :-)
        Failed to send photos of the chipmunks at the RV park near Crater Lake earlier.   Thought all you kids would like to see them.

More beautiful as a silhouette against the early evening sky than this shot
Military facility across the highway from campground
(double click to enlarge)
More military stuff (saw NO people)
As we were leaving the rest stop
Approaching the town of Pahrump, NV
where we are staying tonight
Nevada Treasure RV Park
Inside this building are swimming pools, bar & grill, spa, etc.
Empty site across from ours
Our little private area behind the Airstream.
Off to dinner.    Have a great evening, Everybody!
Hugs & kisses to the grands!!!!


  1. That remindes me of the summer in Canada - the daily feedings of the chipmunks, great memories. Enjoy Nevada ! I am sure taking the airstream down the main strip of Las Vegas will not be out of the norm.
    Love you !

  2. Love that park. It looks like a resort!
